Moving in the right direction
Self-care Toolkit
Find Your Tools
When you find yourself experiencing mental health challenges, having a personal self-care routine can be a great way to help you cope. Self-care can include any practice or activity, however great or small, that helps lessen the symptoms of depression, anxiety, or stress—from simple breathing exercises to exploring healthy boundaries.
Everyone’s toolkit looks different—here are some resources to help you create yours.
Setting Healthy Boundaries
Emotional Intelligence & Awareness
Managing Stress & Raising Resilience
Self-care Plan & Tools
Well-being Journaling
Breathing Exercises
Did you know?
Depression & Anxiety
Nearly half of all US adults have experienced depression or anxiety. Self-care can be a helpful tool.
Along with therapy and professional treatment, developing a self-care plan can help mitigate the symptoms of these difficult experiences. Engaging in active self-care can strengthen your ability to adapt to change, recover from setbacks, and build solid relationships. By including practices you can build into your normal routine, self-care is a great way to maintain both your short-term and long-term mental health.
Start Your Self-care Journey Today
What anxiety might feel like:
- Excessive worry
- Feeling nervous, irritable, or on edge
- Sense of impending danger, panic, or doom
- Increased heart rate
- Breathing rapidly, sweating, and/or trembling
- Feeling weak or tired
- Difficulty concentrating
- Trouble sleeping
- Gastrointestinal (GI) problems
There are many types of anxiety conditions, each presenting differently. The most common types of anxiety disorders include:
Separation anxiety disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder and panic attacks, and generalized anxiety disorder.
What depression might feel like:
- Deep feelings of sadness
- Loss of interest in work or social activities
- Difficulty concentrating, slowed thoughts
- Forgetfulness and trouble remembering
- Trouble making decisions
- Difficulty sleeping, or sleeping too much
- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
- Energy loss or increased fatigue
- Irritability, anger, or tearfulness
- Weight or appetite changes