How to Support Employees Impacted by Trauma (passed)
Video recording of the event can be found here.
Presentation slides can be found here
How to Support Employees Impacted by Trauma
Description: In this presentation, participants will learn the definition of “trauma” and about the various outcomes of traumatic experiences, up to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Participants will learn the common physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms of PTSD and other trauma reactions, as well as the common co-occurring mental health disorders that can develop post traumatic events. Finally, participants will learn how to implement a trauma-informed approach to help coworkers who have experienced trauma by creating a work environment that is conducive to recovery. This includes opportunities to create a sense of safety, start the conversation to offer support, and share available resources.
Jennifer Birdsall Ph.D
Dr. Jennifer Birdsall is a board-certified, licensed-clinical psychologist and clinical director at ComPsych Corporation. Dr. Birdsall received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Louisville and completed her clinical internship and advanced fellowship at the Pittsburgh Veteran’s Administration Healthcare System.
Jennifer has treated clients in numerous interdisciplinary team settings including outpatient, primary care, inpatient psychiatry, home-based care and long-term care. She serves on the board of several professional psychology and health care associations and has a passion for educating others on behavioral health topics. At ComPsych, her role focuses on developing and implementing evidence-based and innovative clinical services to help employees improve their mental and physical well-being.