Notice. Talk. Act. at Work: Creating a Mentally Healthy Workplace (passed)
A recording of the event can be accessed here.
About the Event:
There is a global surge in people experiencing mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and others. Despite this increase, only about half of people who need care receive it. This is costly for employers and many are seeking people manager training to effectively address the mental health and well-being of employees.
The American Psychiatric Association Foundation’s Center for Workplace Mental Health created Notice. Talk. Act. at Work, an e-Learning training that responds to the high demand for an easily accessible, comprehensive mental health training that supports leaders and people managers in understanding the impact of mental health on employees and their organizations.
Join us and learn how Notice. Talk. Act. at Work supports people managers and the mental health and well-being of all employees. NTA at Work is a dynamic and interactive e-Learning Module that features practical scenarios, skill checks, a rich array of resources on topics of most interest to employers and much more.